- 19-year-old Nebraska native Hannah Sabata got herself arrested after
she flaunted $6,000 in cash from a bank she robbed along with a set of
keys to a car she stole. She gleefully showed off her successful score
and posted the evidence to YouTube — the first and only place to share
criminal activity. The video was titled “Chick Bank robber.” Hanna went
on to say in the description, “I just stole a car and robbed a bank. Now
I’m rich, I can pay off my college financial aid and tomorrow i’m going
for a shopping spree. Bite me. I love GREENDAY!” On the bright side
though, at least she became popular on YouTube. The video has more than
1,000,000 views now and counting.
You can’t teach dumb like that, kids. You have to earn it.

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